Ricardo Feriche was trained in New York. For the last 14 years he teaches in a master’s degree at Eina, University School of Design and Art and is a thesis director of the IED, the European Institute of Design.
He has been or is a consultant for National Geographic, RBA, La Caixa, Planeta, Grupo Godó, Hearst Magazines, Grupo Z, BBVA, Le Cool, Fundación Miró, Loewe, Bocento, Vueling, diari Ara, The new Barcelona Post de Foment del treball and Edipress.

Feriche has been an editor for La Fábrica Editorial, of the book “Barcelona” 160 years of photography in the city, Barcelona Crea and Barcelona fotos prohibidas. He has collaborated in the art and culture magazine “Matador”.
His works have been awarded by the Society of Publications Design, by the Society of Newspaper Design, and in three consecutive years by the Type Directors Club of New York. He’s been a co-author in three editions of the Barcelona Design Guide for Gustavo Gili. He has made three short films.